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        羅氏制藥 Senior Business Development Manager 申請該職位 查閱該職位薪酬水平
        工作性質: 全職 工作地點: 上海
        發布日期: 2024-03-01 10:36:20 薪  水: 面議萬
        招聘人數: 1人 工作經驗:
        學  歷:

        Main Tasks & Responsibilities:

        • Maintain a deep, up to date understanding of the digital healthcare landscape, emerging technologies, key players, and digital business trends in China

        • Proactively seek interactions with developers and commercial owners of complementary digital solutions along disease patient journeys

        • Develop a process to evaluate and assess the business value of new digital opportunities along specific disease journeys, both as stand-alone and in the context of the Roche overall business in the patient journey

        • Use of data, analytics and financial models to build business cases, finely tuned business judgement

        • Work together with different functions and teams inside and outside Commercial Innovation, particularly with Alliance Partnering and Pharma functions, to help build the Roche digital ecosystem through different deal modalities

        • Integrate value “pitches” and proposals to liaise with the right digital partners for Roche along patient journeys, in coordination with other key stakeholders

        Education & Qualifications:

        • MBA or Master’s degree in IT, Finance, Business, or Biomedical Sciences

        • Experience in business development in digital healthcare in China is a must

        • 10+ years of work experience in healthcare/digital healthcare including 4+ years of direct work experience in Strategic Marketing, Business Portfolio Management, Strategic Consulting, Venture Capital/Merger and Acquisitions, or Business Development

        • Proven experience as single or key point of contact with senior stakeholders such as company officers (VP and above), senior government officials, hospital or healthcare center heads, etc. in a key influencer role

        • Experience in multi partner deal management highly desired

        • Deep curiosity about the healthcare ecosystem with a fluency in common business models and knowledge of the competitive landscape

        • Exceptional problem-solving and analytical stills, ability to work alone as product business owner to drive the projects forward.

        • Leadership skills, including strategic thinking, creativity, integrity, trust, accountability, credibility, judgment, persuasion/influence, fairness and high ethical standards.

        • Ability to positively approach new challenges and opportunities, using creative thought processes to uniquely solve problems

        • Ability to build and execute processes with a mindset toward the future

        • Strong strategic planning skills

        • High tolerance for ambiguity

        • Strong attention to detail with the ability to multi-task and meet deadlines

        • Organized, detail-oriented

        • High level of written and oral communication skills

        • Global experience highly desired

        • Fluent in Mandarin and English


        羅氏集團始創于1896年,羅氏總部位于瑞士巴塞爾 ,在制藥和診斷領域是世界領先的,以研發為基礎,旨在通過個體化醫療為每一位患者提供具針對性的治療方案 。

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