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        某制藥 Medical Science Manager 申請該職位 查閱該職位薪酬水平
        工作性質: 全職 工作地點: 北京
        發布日期: 2024-03-01 10:36:20 薪  水: 60-90萬
        招聘人數: 1人 工作經驗: 10
        學  歷: 本科


        Principle Roles & Responsibilities / Accountabilities
        TAE engagement: Accountable of medical management strategy according to the characteristic of the assigned region.
        Build up strategic relationship with external stakeholder on medical communication.
        Develop and execute external stakeholder management strategy and engagement plan by initiating or participating in medical initiatives.
        Project management: Develop and lead or participate in medical projects to maximize medical value.
        Develop and lead valuable medical project with good budget control, such as data generation (IIS, Sponsored Clinical trials, RWS, etc.), Academic Conferences, GSD, etc.
        Lead or Participate in medical initiatives with high quality execution and provide valuable input.
        Cross-functional collaboration: Represents Medical Science in Cross-functional discussion, ensuring effective collaboration with internal stakeholders, by providing high quality medical perspective.
        Provide medical perspective to other medical functions including medical information service, epidemiology/outcome research, medical education, medical publications, pharmacovigilance etc. to ensure the optimal execution of the medical management plan.
        Represents Medical Science in Cross-functional discussion, ensuring effective collaboration with internal stakeholders.
        Compliance: Ensures strict adherence to the company’s corporate policies, SOP and local regulations for all medical science initiatives for assigned product(s).
        Ensure appropriate scientific and medical compliance, governance and risk management with the framework of optimized patient centric risk/benefit in the responsible therapeutic areas

        Qualification and Experience 
        Master Degree in Clinical Medicine or above
        0~2 years’ MNC pharmaceutical company experience in medical related role
        Leadership Competencies
        Ability to drive the delivery of commitment in a matrix team
        Job Required Competencies 
        Good knowledge of assigned TA/disease area
        Good communication skill
        Good project management skill
        Strategic thinking and business insights
        Business Acumen
        Travel Frequency 
        25% - 50%

        Job Level:

        Individual contributor








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