Group Leader, Cancer Biology
Lead, mentor and develop the professional capabilities of a group of specialists focused on Oncological drug development, interacting with scientists across the Drug Discovery Research organization
Successfully drive Oncological projects for the clinic by executing excellent leadership, organizational and scientific skills
Integrate new areas of Cancer Biology, such as epigenetics and stem cells
Collaborate with Systems Biology and Computational scientists to identify and validate novel targets and pathways relevant to cancer
Collaborate with the Assay Development Group to guide the designing and implementation of relevant primary and secondary assays for compound screening
Supervise the cancer In Vivo Biology activities, especially in external partnerships; utilize in vivo modeling to establish the link between biological targets and a disease phenotype
Establish and leverage on internal and external networks to accelerate drug discovery and development efforts
Participate in the creation of a Fully Integrated Pharmaceutical Network (FIPNET)
Oversee recruiting and staffing activities
Possess a minimum of 7 years’ research experience, of which a minimum of 3 years should be in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry, specializing in Oncological therapeutics and/ or biotherapeutics
Demonstrated ability to provide scientific and administrative leadership across multi-disciplinary project teams on Oncological drug discovery
Ability to manage a portfolio of projects and activities
Established external scientific network in Cancer Biology
Familiarity with using bioinformatics approaches to discover new drugs
Proven ability to work collaboratively and effectively across multiple time zones
Strong track record in publications
Long-term business trip in Singapore
美國禮來公司(Eli Lilly and Company)是一家全球性的以研發為基礎的醫藥公司,致力于為全人類提供以藥物為基礎的創新醫療保健方案,使人們生活過得更長久、更健康、更有活力。 禮來是擁有130年歷史的世界領先制藥公司。禮來于1918年來到中國,將其第一個海外代表處設在上海,從而邁出了全球化的第一步。雖然幾經風雨,我們始終不能割舍中國情結,在1993年重新回到中國。重返中國十余年來,禮來邁著堅定的步伐,在中國的改革大潮中穩步前進,已成為業界增長速度最快的制藥公司之一。至今,我們在全國擁有一家獨資企業:禮來蘇州制藥有限公司,30家辦事機構,員工近1000人,并與中國科研機構聯合進行合成化學研究。 禮來在中國的許多醫藥領域居領先地位,如抗生素、中樞神經、腫瘤、內分泌等。我們的品牌??虅?、穩可信、百優解、再普樂、欣百達、擇思達、健擇、力比泰、易維特、希愛力、人工胰島素優泌林及其最佳伴侶優伴等已被公認為創新的藥物。它們挽救了病人生命、提高了大眾的生活品質,同時也為患者、保健提供者和支付方創造了價值,降低了疾病治療的成本。 |
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