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        美國禮來公司 Recruiting Manager/Sr. Recruiting Associate 申請該職位 查閱該職位薪酬水平
        工作性質: 全職 工作地點: 北京,上海,杭州,廣州,成都
        發布日期: 2024-01-05 12:16:16 薪  水:
        招聘人數: 1人 工作經驗: 5-10年
        學  歷: 本科
        Key Responsibilities: - Conduct talent needs analysis to prepare annual recruiting plans according to company business strategy plan; - Work with field HR to implement recruiting plan and deliver services for company to increase recruitment effectiveness, employee fit, contribution and retention; - Develop and operate the full cycle of experienced recruiting, including sourcing, candidates profile, selection, interview, evaluation, offering and referral process; - Partner with the sales leadership team to ensure recruiting process is managed consistently and in line with business needs; - Responsible for coordinating all campus recruiting activities; - Responsible for recruiting in line with the sales representative profile; - Prepare company hiring branding plan to enhance company’s reputation and extend company influence in the target public; - Analyze the reason of employees’ dimission, to find out the primary reasons of employee turnover and provide appropriate suggestion for management team. - Collect and analyze the information of related talent market to provide suggestions on company human resources strategy; - Develop professional and efficient selection skills and train line managers to improve their target selection skills; - Set up tracking process on sales force recruiting to upgrade sales force. Requirements: - Bachelor Degree minimum; - Five years track records in recruiting area, multinational companies and pharmaceutical experiences preferred; - Good knowledge and experience in professional recruiting skills preferred; - Strong communication and coordination skills; - Initiative, result-oriented, team player; - Excellent in spoken and written English.
        美國禮來公司(Eli Lilly and Company)是一家全球性的以研發為基礎的醫藥公司,致力于為全人類提供以藥物為基礎的創新醫療保健方案,使人們生活過得更長久、更健康、更有活力。 禮來是擁有130年歷史的世界領先制藥公司。禮來于1918年來到中國,將其第一個海外代表處設在上海,從而邁出了全球化的第一步。雖然幾經風雨,我們始終不能割舍中國情結,在1993年重新回到中國。重返中國十余年來,禮來邁著堅定的步伐,在中國的改革大潮中穩步前進,已成為業界增長速度最快的制藥公司之一。至今,我們在全國擁有一家獨資企業:禮來蘇州制藥有限公司,30家辦事機構,員工近1000人,并與中國科研機構聯合進行合成化學研究。 禮來在中國的許多醫藥領域居領先地位,如抗生素、中樞神經、腫瘤、內分泌等。我們的品牌??虅?、穩可信、百優解、再普樂、欣百達、擇思達、健擇、力比泰、易維特、希愛力、人工胰島素優泌林及其最佳伴侶優伴等已被公認為創新的藥物。它們挽救了病人生命、提高了大眾的生活品質,同時也為患者、保健提供者和支付方創造了價值,降低了疾病治療的成本。
        查看更多 友情鏈接
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        版權所有 (C) 2003 迪醫信(北京)科技有限公司
        人才許可證: RC1312407  京ICP備15007661號-2
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