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        阿斯利康制藥有限公司 Medical Science Physician--Onc 申請該職位 查閱該職位薪酬水平
        工作性質: 全職 工作地點: 上海市
        發布日期: 2024-01-05 12:15:59 薪  水:
        招聘人數: 1人 工作經驗: 3年以上
        學  歷: 本科
        The role and responsibility of the Medical Science Physician are involved (& may lead) in the design, conduct, monitoring, data interpretation and reporting of clinical trials in agreement with the Medical Science Director. These individuals must ensure that all clinical studies operate to the highest ethical and safety standards and in compliance with GCP and regulatory requirements. The scope of work for a Medical Science Physician will be set by the Medical Science Director for the compound(s) in the Discovery Medicine or Clinical Development Plan (CDP) and supervision will be available from more senior physicians within the project team and/or line function. There will be interaction with other functions within AZ relevant to the design and conduct of clinical studies, and with delivery teams involved in development of the compound. External contacts will be with site investigator teams and key opinion leaders as required by the project being worked on. The job-holder will be expected to take/have taken part in the AZ Physician introduction programme and Pharmaceutical Medicine training. Medical Science Physician provides medical leadership to any Asia Product Team, Asia Emerging Team, R&D Project team and Clinical Delivery Team set up in support of delivering Project Team or New Product Team objectives. 資歷 1.Master of medical science or above 2.Knowledge of GCP and drug regulation 3.3 years' clinical experience&/or clinical development experience and at least 1 year industry experience at the level of Brand Physician. 4.Two or more years of drug development experience obtained while working in industry and/or academia 5.Good communication skills 6.Good team work and ability to work in International and cross-functional teams 7.Self motivation 8.Fluency in English in addition to Mandarin as a first language 9.Microsoft Office software applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Microsoft Project COMPETENCIES: Commercially Minded: Keeps up to date with market changes and competitor activity. Under the needs of a range of customers such as medics, markets, sales people and patients. Thinks in terms of how to add value to a brand and how to identify commercial benefits to suggested action. Technical Knowledge: Has an expert knowledge of their own technical/scientific area and keeps it up to date. Understands the regulatory environments in different settings and also the drug development process. Understands marketing and promotional codes of practice. Influencing and Communication: Gets points across effectively. Gets people to do things and communicates complex or unpopular issues clearly. Is a confident presenter and can adapt a message to fit in with recipient's needs. Asks questions to clarify things and can challenge others' assumptions. Build relationship: Creates good impressions with people and proactively builds a network of key contacts (internal and external). Knows who is important and has good relationship with those people. Builds trust quickly, listen to other's points and can talk easily to people from a wide range of backgrounds.
        公司簡介 阿斯利康是全球領先制藥公司之一,總部位于英國倫敦,研發總部位于瑞典,在全球設有11個研發中心、31個生產基地,產品銷售覆蓋100多個國家和地區,在心血管、消化、呼吸、麻醉、腫瘤和中樞神經領域處于領先地位。 阿斯利康中國總部位于上海,致力于尋求靈感創意,研制安全有效的藥物,探索挽救生命的方法,將之帶給廣大患者。這些靈感來自于我們的優秀員工。所以我們始終堅持聘用最優秀的員工加入我們的隊伍。
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        版權所有 (C) 2003 迪醫信(北京)科技有限公司
        人才許可證: RC1312407  京ICP備15007661號-2
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